CTTC Weekly Seminar Series


22/07/2015 de 10:00 a 11:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Auditorio CTTC

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


anufacturing goes digital”
"CAPEX vs OPEX. How to get the maximum of the limites project budget"
- Speakers: Mr. Carlos Vivas, Mr. David Fernández, Mr. Djeckson DURICA
- Affiliation:  Microlease group
- Place: CTTC Room Auditorium
- Date & Time: July 22 (Wednesday) - 10:00h
- Duration: 45min. (aprox.)

An abstract of the presentation and a short CV of the speakers follow.


Mr. Carlos Vivas
Industrial Enginner by the UPC.
Former General Manager of Hewlett Packard Spain.
Former President of Agilent Spain
General Manager of Forum Universal of Cultures. Barcelona 2004

Mr. David Fernández
Telecommunication Engineer
European Support at Microlease UK
Presently, Sales Engineer for Spain.

Mr. Djeckson DURICA
Electronic Engineer
Technical Support for Livingston Europe for 10 years
Presently, Sales Engineer for Livingston-Microlease Spain


The Microlease company will introduce this seminar based on “How to get the maximum of the limites project budget”.

Microlease is the market leader in electronic Test Equipment, offering complete solutions for rental, new and refurbished instruments through to total equipment management. Since 1979, they have helped their customers become the most efficient users of test equipment. By combining their knowledge of industries, products, equipment management, and current test platforms they help them save time and money at every stage of the buying life cycle.
Please, you can find below a brief summary of the aspects to be discussed in this Seminar:
1. Presentation  of the merged companies in Microlease (nr 1 rental company in Europe)
2. CAPEX (capital expenses) vs OPEX ( operational expenses). How rental can provide state of the art instruments technology for the time needed in one project
3. The hidden cost of ownership
4. Families of products available to be delivered in 24 hours

Please, feel free to circulate this information among other potentially interested colleagues

Upcoming CTTC Weekly seminars: http://www.cttc.es/news-events/