March 8: MASTEAM talks - Blockchain technology: a possible IoT enabler by Dr Jordi Herrera.


08/03/2017 de 17:30 a 18:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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Title: Blockchain technology: a possible IoT enabler.

Abstract: Blockchain technology has emerged as a new paradigm for dealing with distributed systems in which users/nodes do not have a trust relationship. The first application of blockchain technology appeared in 2009 as the Bitcoinmechanism to keep track of the cryptocurrency transactions and avoid double-spending. Since then, other extensions of this technology have been proposed. This talk will provide the basic concepts to understand blockchain technology analyzing which cryptographic tools and consensus mechanism are used in those systems. We also analyze its main properties and we envisage which are the benefits and challenges that blockchain could provide to IoT environments.

More information: here.