MASTEAM talks - pmacct, SDN and Streaming Telemetry.


21/12/2016 de 15:00 a 17:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


128b EETAC

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari



Wednesday, December 21st - Classroom 128B, 15:00h, Building C4 - Campus

Castelldefels (


Title: pmacct, SDN and Streaming Telemetry


Abstract: pmacct is a free, open-source  and featureful telemetry collector which is well adopted in the IP  Service Provider arena worldwide and authored by the presenter. This talk wants to provide an introduction to the capabilities and benefits  of the pmacct software, present one of its use cases in the space of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and conclude with an overview, from a  community perspective, of the developments of the new Streaming Telemetry paradigm.


Bio: Paolo Lucente is currently part of the IP Development team at NTT Communications working in the areas of telemetry data analysis and collection. He is also the author of the free, open-source software package pmacct. Along with years of experience in the network operators arena, Paolo has an interest in the economics of traffic exchange in the public internet and is a contributor in standards and community forums.

Previously, he has covered senior engineering and development positions at some large national and international service providers across Europe and the regional research network in my home land in south Italy -
