Mateam Talks: Sentilo/Thingtia: an IoT platform not only for Smart Cities


22/02/2017 de 17:30 a 18:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


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February 22nd, 17:30h (duration 1h), Building C4, Classroom 021B, Campus Castelldefels.

Title: Sentilo/Thingtia: an IoT platform not only for Smart Cities

Abstract: The Sentilo project is an open source publication-subscription platform designed specifically for the IoT environment. It is developed by the city of Barcelona, where it is successfully used for 3 years. The project's goal is to create a data layer that shares sensor data, traditionally locked in closed vendor systems. The workshop will be centered around Sentilo's concepts, Barcelona instance and the Sentilo HTTP API. Workshop includes hands-on examples with the recently released Thingtia platform, a free-to-use Sentillo in the cloud.

Bio: Karel Cech received his MEng. from the Czech Technical University in Prague in 2004. His specialization in open source geographic information systems and business intelligence led him to work in many interesting fields such as humanitarian demining, port management or smart cities.
Karel joined OpenTrends in 2015 as a Senior Engineer. He is currently one of the developers of the Sentilo project. He also collaborates with Barcelona’s metropolitan transport operator (TMB) on the innovation of their real-time big data platform . His current interests are big data technologies, streaming analytics and generally everything related to IoT.