Exchange students (INCOMING): General information

This website is exclusively aimed at informing students from other universities and countries who might be interested in experiencing an exchange period in our schools through their home institutions. Herein we will give you details about the requirements, deadlines and steps needed during this process.


First of all you will have to check in our websites or at your home university if there is an available bilateral agreement between them and us. You can do this in the following links:




In case there is a signed agreement, you have to participate at your home university in an exchange selection process. Once your university nominates you and contacts us, we will inform you by email about the following steps.

Students have to register in the website for exchange students here:

If you want to have a more comprehensive outlook you can check the details on forms and deadlines in our dedicated website.



In case no Bilateral Agreement exists, you should speak to your international office and they will have to start a Bilateral Agreement signing process with us.

If the process doesn’t turn out into a new Bilateral Agreement, you can still try to enroll yourself as a normal student in our university and follow the normal procedures for conventional students.Otherwise, the next step for you will be to register and start the application process.



If you have any queries or further doubts, please feel free to contact us on the following addresses: