I'm Barcelonian Expat Day


El próximo 25 de octubre tendrá lugar en Barcelona la primera edición del "I'm Barcelonian Expat Day", evento promovido por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, a través de Barcelona Activa, donde se pretende crear un espacio de encuentro entre la ciudad y la comunidad extranjera, para facilitar su integración como barceloneses.

Toda la información e inscripciones en:


Esta información estará en breve disponible en la web:

www.upc.edu/sri(apartado "notícies" de la página principal; en los 3 idiomas del web).

We are contacting you about an event that will take place on 25th October in Barcelona. It is the "1st edition of the I'm Barcelonian Expat Day"; an event promoted by the City Council of Barcelona, through Barcelona Activa.


I'm Barcelonian Expat Day intends to be a meeting point between the city and international community; to facilitate its integration as Barcelona citizens.

In the website:



is all the information about the products and services offered by the exhibitors that will be present on that day at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona.

Also on that 25th October, there will also be some round tables, workshops, activities for families, etc. The information will also be displayed in this website.

International students willing to attend to this event can register in this website; avoiding also queues at the access point.

This information will also be available in the next days in our website:


www.upc.edu/sri(part "news" in the front page; in the 3 languages of the website).