Vols fer una estada de pràctiques a l'estiu en una empresa de GNSS?


e-KnoT is a European (H2020-funded) project that aims at strengthening the interactions in Europe between education-research-industry in the GNSS sector. You can find more information on www.eknotproject.eu


One of the initiatives of the eKnoT project is the "Internship Programme" that encourages students with an education in GNSS to perform a Summer internship in a European company related to GNSS. It offers four €2,500 grants to help students perform these internships. However, even the students that do not get the grant can perform a Summer internship through this programme.


The deadline for submission of the application is March 2nd. You can find more information in the attached leaflet or following http://www.eknot.polito.it/internships-for-students.aspx.


This could be a great opportunity for four estudents.!