Summer School for 2015 at the Technisque Universität München.


The application period of the Summer Schools for 2015 at the Technische Universität München has started and we would like to provide you some information about our programs.

The three to six week long study programs combine challenging academics with a rich menu of educational and social activities.


 The three week summer program “Information Technology – Innovations for the Future” introduces to the most innova­tive training and research areas of the Technische Uni­versität München in the field of information technology. Participants are given the opportunity to make themselves familiar with the German research scene and exchange experi­ence in a group of young, international students.

They hereby learn German intensively, are immersed in the culture of everyday life in Germany and visit high-tech locations in and around this city.

This program will take place from June 1st to June 21st 2015



Finding Nano



The four week summer school “Engineering and Management across Cultures” provides an introduction to key TUM research areas: Geodesy and Management. Students can choose one of these focuses of the Summer School.
A particular highlight of the course is an intensive seminar of several days taking place either at the Wettzell observatory or at Straubing Center of Science.

This program will take place from August 03rd- August 27th 2015.



Application deadlines


Information Technology-Innovations for the Future: March 15th 2015

Finding Nano: March 15th 2015

Engineering and Management across Cultures: May 1st 2015



The application will be done online (the link to application:


Students select the program which they would like to apply for. They fill in their data and upload the required documents. Uploaded data could be documents in pdf, word, or jpg. After a successful registration they will receive a confirmation email automatically and will be informed about their admission at the beginning of April.


Enclosed you´ll find the flyer with detailed information about the program. More detailed information is available on our website:

It would be great if you could forward this information to students you consider suitable.


If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Best regards,

This six week intensive program offers a nanotechnology lecture and a lab course in English, with site visits to leading research centres, and an intensive German language course offered both at beginner and intermediate levels. The Summer School is directed to undergraduates of science and engineering who have completed an introduction to quantum mechanics or quantum chemistry.

This program will take place from June 15th - July 26th 2015.

Més informació sobre cursos d'estiu al web del Gabinet de Relacions Internacionals i Empresa.