Summer Camp at Tsinghua university.


Tsinghua university is one of the best universities in China and our department frequently rank the first in national computer science assessments.



We will be offering 2016 Big Data Summer Camp taught in English from July 11th to July 30th, at Tsinghua Beijing campus.


The program will be open to a non-Chinese citizen with their second(3-year bachelor degree) or third year(4-year bachelor degree )undergraduate study in CS or related areas.


This summer school will provide a tour on state-of-art big-data techniques, including big-data platforms (e.g., Spark), big-data query processing and mining algorithms,


and machine learning techniques. Moreover, a big-data project will be conducted to help students have hands-on experience with big-data processing

Benefits of our program for your students:


  • Students will get real practical project skills through our course
  • They will enjoy summer time in one of the most visited cities in the world, such as visits of Great Wall, National Museum
  • Each admitted student will receive scholarship covering tuition, administrative fees, accommodation fees


Y You will find more information about the Summer Camp on:



We may send you by regular mail some promotional materials that could be distributed to your students.



We also have an international master’s and doctoral degree program in computer science taught in English and we can provide scholarships to top students. You will find more information on our



We do welcome students from your prestigious university.